Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend...

We decided to go to my parents on Sunday (the day before the 4th) so we could spend time with them and so they could see Easton.  Last year, they were able to come up here and spend the Holiday with us and Justin's family...but this year, there was a lot going on with the cows out at their land and they were unable to come.  I'm so thankful for my family and just wish that we lived closer to them.  When we are able to visit them at their house in the country...I always appreciate things just a little bit more.  My parents have never been people who have wanted things in excess...they appreciate the simple things in life...and they "want for nothing".  I admire that so much and am so thankful that they instilled that in me.  I hope to pass that on to Easton.  I think he is going to make a great cowboy and I hope he loves the country as much as we do.
 Sitting with his Grammy...enjoying the Beautiful View

 Haha...this one just makes me laugh...
Redneck ;)

 He had a long day in the country.

 We had a blowout on our way home :(  This is not fun when you have the whole backseat loaded down with luggage, a baby, and a dog.
 I was trying to keep everyone cool in the front seat while Justin changed the flat.

We got home from my parents on the 4th and Justin went to his parents to swim in their new pool...which is amazing by the way...while Easton and I took a little nap.  We went over there later for the Big Reveal.  My sister in law (Jennifer) is pregnant and due in December.  They decided to tell people the gender of the baby on the 4th.  They had a box full of balloons that their two girls had to open which told if it was a boy or girl.  I totally thought it was a girl...but as you can see...I was wrong.  

BLUE Balloons
Easton is going to have so much fun with Ryan Marshall Kirk.  We are so excited for them and can't wait to meet him.

Cute cousins in their matching outfits that Lolly got them...Next year there will be 4

Pretty Baby...Happy 4th of July
Hope everyone had a great time. Can't wait until next year :)

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